Quantum physics
Quantum physics

It includes what becomes one of the most famous formulae of science, which is later known as the Schrödinger equation.ġ926 Enrico Fermi and Paul A. J.) Thomson discovers the electron.ġ900 Max Planck explains blackbody radiation in the context of quantized energy emission: Quantum theory is born.ġ905 Albert Einstein proposes that light, which has wavelike properties, also consists of discrete, quantized bundles of energy, which are later called photons.ġ911 Ernest Rutherford proposes the nuclear model of the atom.ġ913 Niels Bohr proposes his planetary model of the atom, along with the concept of stationary energy states, and accounts for the spectrum of hydrogen.ġ914 James Franck and Gustav Hertz confirm the existence of stationary states through an electron scattering experiment.ġ923 Arthur Compton observes that x-rays behave like miniature billiard balls in their interactions with electrons, thereby providing further evidence for the particle nature of light.ġ923 Louis de Broglie generalizes wave-particle duality by suggesting that particles of matter are also wavelike.ġ924 Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein find a new way to count quantum particles, later called Bose- Einstein statistics, and they predict that extremely cold atoms should condense into a single quantum state, later known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.ġ925 Wolfgang Pauli enunciates the exclusion principle.ġ925 Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan develop matrix mechanics, the first version of quantum mechanics, and make an initial step toward quantum field theory.ġ926 Erwin Schrödinger develops a second description of quantum physics, called wave mechanics.

quantum physics quantum physics

1897 Pieter Zeeman shows that light is radiated by the motion of charged particles in an atom, and Joseph John (J.

Quantum physics